What you need

  • A bench
    Arm weight(s)
  • Floor mat
    Stretchy band (if possible)

What to do

  • 1.

    Gently roll your shoulders back for 30 seconds.

    Keep going for 1 minute if comfortable

  • 2.

    Gently turn your head from side to side for 30 seconds.

    Keep going for 1 minute if comfortable

  • 3.

    Gently turn your upper body from left to right for 30 seconds.

    Keep going for 1minute if comfortable

  • 4.

    Lift your leg up and down (alternating left and right)

    Can do with one or both legs.

    Do this for 30 seconds to 1minute.

  • 5.

    Start this exercise lying on a bench, bed or floor

    Draw your belly button in to engage your core muscles

    Lift bottom up and lower down

    Do this exercise as fast as you can for 30 seconds

  • 6.

    From the same position, knees bent.

    Use a small hand wight to lift your arm up and down at normal speed for 30 seconds

    Can do exercise with no weight and add weight as you get stronger.

    Alternate between fast bottom lifts and normal speed arm lifts with weight for a total of 5 minutes

  • 7.

    Use a band with light resistance or a small hand weight.

    Bring band/weight away from your body and up like you are “reaching for the stars”, then back to the body

    May start with weight/resistance for the first few sets and then remove resistance as you fatigue

    Can do exercise with no weight and add weight/band as you get stronger.

    Keep speed up for 30 seconds

  • 8.

    Bend arm up and down for 30 seconds

    Can do exercise with no weight and add weight as you get stronger.

    Alternate between fast resisted arm raises and normal speed arm bends for a total of 5 minutes

  • 9.

    Gentle shoulder rolls for 30 seconds

  • 10.

    Gentle deep breaths

    Repeat 3-5 times

  • 11.

    Gentle arm stretches across body

    Hold for 10-15 seconds, repeat 2 or 3 times.

    Can do on one arm or both if able.

  • 12.

    Gentle leg lifts in sitting (alternating left and right)

    Can do one leg only or both

  • 13.

    Straighten your less affected leg out in front of you

    Hold stretch for up to 30seconds increase the time as able

    Repeat 2-3 times on each leg