Resources on this website are designed to be accessible for people with a variety of post stroke deficits and at different stages of stroke recovery.

Information on this website is "Real, Reliable and Relevant" (Meredith Burke)

This project addresses the largest gap in effective secondary prevention of stroke in Australia - lack of access to evidenced-based programs for physical activity and healthy eating.

It directly addresses the priority areas of secondary stroke prevention through education and public awareness.

Lifestyle factors including low physical activity levels and poor-quality diet are risk factors for recurrent stroke. Australian Clinical Guidelines for Stroke Management recommend that people with stroke receive advice and support to increase physical activity and eat a healthy diet.

We anticipate this website will help improve the physical activity levels and diet quality of Australian stroke survivors, with benefits for long-term health and well-being.

Download the i-REBOUND brochure (PDF 2.2 MB)

Consumer Advisory Group:
This project was supported by a Consumer Advisory Group (CAG). This group of stroke survivors have been equal partners with other members of the project team and have played a fundamental role in the design as well as the content which is presented on this website.


Consumer Advisory Group

Meredith Burke (Co-Chair)

Julie Davey (Co-Chair)

Brian Beh

Kevin English

Nicole Harper

Ben Schelfhaut


The project team

The project team was made up of researchers, clinicians, stroke recovery experts and persons with lived experience of stroke.

Members of the project team with lived experience helped guide the direction of this project from early planning, to design and through to completion.

All members of the project team brought a unique set of skills to make sure this website was evidence based.

Professor Coralie English

Associate Professor Lesley McDonald Wicks

Dr Amanda Patterson

Dr Amy Dennett

Richard Cullen

Jude Czerenkowski

Meredith Burke

Julie Davey

Associate Professor Erin Godecke

Dr Lee Ashton

Dr. Elizabeth Lynch

Emily Ramage

Karly Zacharia

Dina Pogrebnoy