After I had a stroke, I wanted to get back to cooking.

I loved cooking before and still wanted to cook for my family, friends, and myself. I had to come up with methods and tools to reduce the fatigue of cooking while keeping the satisfaction!

These are the tools I use daily.

They might suit you too!


Small ‘Prep” bowls

Small ‘prep’ bowls are great for individual ingredients that you might chop/slice in the morning ready for use in a dish later in the day or evening (spreading your energy over two periods of effort).

A bench top mini bin

Saves time and energy.


A small basic electric rice cooker

Allows you to measure rice, add water earlier in day and turn on when needed.


A microwave food cover

Good for re-heating food without having to manage plastic wrap.

A small food processor

Saves time and energy.


A small electric kettle

A small electric kettle that holds less than 1 Litre of water is lighter and safer to use one-handed.


A small slow cooker

Prepare in the morning, eat at night.


A colander that stands by itself

A self-standing colander means you can use one hand to strain hot or cold liquids/foods.


A cookbook or ‘tablet’ stand

Leaves your hand free for cooking.


Easy to use tea towel or hand-towel holder

These push-in holders are easy.


Battery operated salt and pepper grinders

Grind easily with one hand.


Flip tip storage containers

Easy to open and use for everyday ingredients.


Small screw top jars

Easy to use for herbs and spices.
Put on a non-slip mat and unscrew.


Water jugs that fit into the door of your fridge with handle

Encourages you to keep hydrated and the handle makes it easier.


Garlic press with self-cleaning function

Easy to use and clean.


Glass measuring jug

A max 500ml heatproof glass jug is useful for measuring or decanting hot liquids or for use with a stick blender.


One handed juicer

Great for squeezing lemon or lime juice in your dressings.


Small sturdy trolley

Useful for gathering ingredients from pantry or fridge to where you want to use them.
For taking your plated meal to a dining room.


Glass ovenproof & freezer safe storage containers with click lids

These containers are good for re-heating or for freezing leftovers.


Individual ramekins or casseroles

Make cooking and serving casseroles, baked egg dishes or sides easier.


Personal water bottle with carry handle

You can hang on to the handle when walking.


Insulated lunch bag with carry handles

Easy to carry.
Can also sit in your lap if you use a wheelchair, or in your basket if you use a walker.


Kitchen scissors

Using scissors can be easier than using a knife to cut up ingredients.
I use mine to cut bacon or salami into strips; chop herbs; cut up soft cheeses etc.


Measuring tools with handles

Almost any kitchen tool is easier to use if it has a handle.


Mortar and pestle

Easy to use because the base is heavy and ...
You can use it one handed to blend herbs, spices, pastes etc.


Electric blender/mixer/chopper

Light, one handed, versatile kitchen tool.
I use the chopping function almost every day to chop onions, garlic, herbs, nuts.


A set of small colour coded chopping boards

Small boards with nonslip mat are light making transfer of ingredients to a pan or bowl easier.
Coloured for food hygiene rules.


Kitchen tongs

Variously sized kitchen tongs can be easier to use than egg flips, serving forks, serving spoons.


Nonslip mat

Great to put under boards and bowls for stability and use a cut square to help opening jars.


Peelers of different types

Many types available .
Best to try to see which one suits you best.


A Santoku style knife

It is important to use sharp knives, a blunt knife will generally result in more injuries and frustration.


Silicon Utensils

Silicon utensils are lighter to use and easier to clean.
Just don’t leave them in a hot pan.


Stackable bowls with lip and rubberised base

Stackable bowls with a pouring lip and rubberised base are safer and easier to use.


Good quality pans

My ideal saucepans and frying pans/skillets are good quality non-stick pans with glass lids and insulated rubber handles (e.g.: “Circulon” brand).