What you need(serves 2)

  • 2 Zucchinis
    1 egg (for zucchini fritters)
  • 4 eggs (for the poached eggs)
    1 Brown Onion (diced)
  • ½ cup corn kernels
    ½ cup parsley (chopped)
  • 2x tbsp mint (chopped)
    2 tbsp Self raising flour
  • 1 cup English Spinach
    4 tbsp Extra Virgin Olive oil
  • cooking bowl
  • frying pan
  • fork
  • knife
    chopping board
  • slotted spoon

What to do

  • 1.

    Start by chopping:

    • 1x onion,
    • 2x tbsp mint.
  • 2.


    • 2x zucchini
    • squeeze out moisture using clean chux cloth (see hints)
  • 3.

    Place fry pan on medium heat,

  • 4.

    Add 1 teaspoon olive oil and diced onion into pan,

  • 5.

    Cook onion until soft,

    Turn heat off.

  • 6.

    Place cooked onion into bowl with:

    • grated zucchini,
    • ½ cup corn kernels,
    • 2 tablespoons self-raising flour
    • ½ cup parsley
    • 2 tbsp of mint
  • 7.

    Crack 1 egg into a cup, and whisk egg with fork.

  • 8.

    Turn pan heat to medium,

  • 9.

    Add 1 tablespoon olive oil to pan,

  • 10.

    Put 2 tablespoons of fritter mix into pan and flatten with back of spoon,

  • 11.

    Cook fritters 2 minutes each side until golden,

  • 12.

    Heat pan until boiling, then lower heat to simmer. Stir water with spoon to make a whirlpool,

  • 13.

    Crack eggs into the water to cook for 3 minutes, repeat for 4 eggs total.

  • 14.

    To serve, divide fritters between 2 plates, top with poached eggs and spinach.